Welcome to Agrocortex
Agrocortex is a fully directed project to the implementation of sustainable management of tropical forests using low-impact management of forests under its operation.
Our goal is to implement tropical forest management projects taking into account its ecological, protecting and maintaining natural resources under management, its social, distributing income, mitigating and integrating local populations under the management and its economic aspect generating income and valuing the forest resources, to protected and managed those forests in a sustainable and lasting way.
About Us
Manage tropical forests in a sustainable way, with multipurpose perspective, using reduced impact techniques, protecting the forests and environmental resources, generating income and positively impacting the communities under the influence of the projects and creating value for our employees, shareholders, stakeholders and society in general
Be the greatest sustainable forest manager of tropical forests and supplier of multiple products, particularly lumber, bamboo, carbon credits, essences for the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics and bio-products and environmental services, all certified and originated from an well managed forests
Agrocortex Madeiras do Acre Project
AMA Project
The AMA project is implemented in a private owned area of 190,000 ha, located between the states of Acre and the Amazon, divided into 30 annual management units of 5,860 ha, operating in each year 3% of the forest, with the remaining 97% fully protected.
The project annually produces about 150,000 m3 of wood of various species, of which we highlight mahogany (Swietenia macrophyla, King - we are the only authorized project to manage mahogany in Brazil), Cedro rosa (Cedrela odorata L.), Cerejeira (Amburana acreana Ducke A.C. Sm), Ipê (Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nichols), Angelim (Vaitairea sp), Tauari (Couratari tenuicarpa A.C. Sm), Jatobá (Hymeneae courbaril L), Massaranduba (manilkara spp.), Freijó (Cordia goeldiana Huber), Cumarú (Dipteryx odorata (Aubl) Willd). etc. fully processed in our industrial complex located in Manoel Urbano, Acre.
You can watch a vídeo of our operation

Industrial Complex
We possess an industrial complex for wood processing, installed in the city of Manoel Urbano, consisting of 10 sawmills and 20 kilns in an area of 52 ha and created about 400 new jobs, and indirectly, the opportunity for the development of a number of other activities in the region.
This plant transform the logs exploited in sustainable management project in raw lumber, which are exported air dried or kiln dried, according to the requests of our customers.

FSC® Certification
Agrocortex is proud to be a 100% certified FSC in its forest management plan and the chain of custody level of its products either under the management plan or under its industrial processing.
We have certification for Forest Management and Chain of Custody of the forest management (FSC License Code: FSC-C121950) and Chain of Custody of the Industry (FSC License Code: FSC-C127203)
You can access our sustainable forest management public resume here.
To learn more about FSC certification visit https://ic.fsc.org/en, https://www.facebook.com/fsc.ic/ or https://br.fsc.org/pt-br and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQno-I98brRz3tLWrZTujQ.
Industry: BR 364, Sítio Katiani, Lote 50, Zona Rural, CEP 69.950-000, Manoel Urbano , AC
Office: Rua Vergueiro, 2253, 7º andar, sala 714, Vila Mariana, CEP: 04.101-100, São Paulo , SP
Phone: +55 11 3586 4200
Sales email: vendas@agrocortex.com
General email: comunidades@agrocortex.com